TMJ/TMD Treatment & Nightguards

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We all know that feeling. You're just sitting there, minding your own business. Then, suddenly, you hear a popping noise in your jaw, and it begins to hurt. If you experience this often, you may have wondered what was wrong with you and if there was anything you could do about it. Well, wonder no more!

At Sincere Smiles Dental in Howell, MI, Dr. Bedikian provides proven TMJ treatment and helps patients feel relief from those troublesome symptoms.

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What is TMJ Disorder?

TMJ disorder is a condition that affects the temporomandibular joint, which is the small yet mighty, hinge-like joint that connects the jaw to the skull. We strongly suggest TMJ treatment if you're experiencing any pain or discomfort in this area. Fortunately, several options are available, and our Howell, MI, dental team can find the right solution for you.

How is TMJ diagnosed?

Generally, TMJ diagnosis starts with discussing symptoms with your general dentist. Then, he will ask you to open and close your jaw and:

  • Listen and feel your jaw muscles
  • Observe the range of motion
  • Gently press areas around the jaw to identify sites of discomfort

If Dr. Bedikian suspects jaw dysfunction, he might also order dental x-rays to see detailed images of the teeth, jaws, and joints.

How is TMJ Treated?

In some cases, TMJ symptoms may go away without treatment. However, if your TMJ symptoms persist, Dr. Bedikian might start with a non-drug therapy, like night guards. Night guards are custom-made occlusal appliances that fit comfortably over the teeth.

Night guards are worn during sleep and give the wearer a bit of cushion if they suffer from bruxism (or habitual teeth grinding) as they sleep. While night guards are primarily TMJ treatment, they can also protect the enamel (surface of the teeth) from chipping, fractures, and breakage, which are associated with long-term bruxism.

While night guards are a great first line of defense, Dr. Bedikian might suggest alternative therapies, anti-inflammatories, and pain relievers or recommend you to a specialist in the direst cases of TMJ.

Start Minimally Invasive TMJ Treatment

Whether you feel occasional popping and locking of the jaw or you suffer from TMJ pain every day, it’s wise to seek help as soon as possible. Early intervention can help prevent the need for more intensive therapies, like jaw surgery.

Start minimally invasive TMJ treatment in Howell, MI, and schedule an appointment with Dr. Bedikian at Sincere Smiles Dental today.

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