Dental Bridges

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Dental bridges are one of the many services that we offer at Sincere Smiles Dental. bridges are used to fill in the gap created by one or more missing teeth. They are made from a variety of materials, including gold, alloys, porcelain, and ceramic. At Sincere Smiles Dental, we will work with you to choose the best material for your dental bridge based on your individual needs and budget. If you live in the Howell, MI, we are the ideal place for all your dental needs.


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What is a Dental Bridge?

A dental bridge is a dental prosthetic used to replace one or more missing teeth. Bridges are typically made of ceramic or porcelain fused to metal, and they are supported by the natural teeth on either side of the gap left by the missing tooth or teeth. Dental crowns are also used to support dental bridges. The dental crowns are placed on the teeth on either side of the false tooth, and they act as anchors to hold the dental bridge in place. Bridges are an effective way to restore dental function and improve the appearance of your smile. In addition, bridges can help to prevent the remaining teeth from shifting out of place. 

Bridges not only restore the function of your bite and improve your ability to chew and speak, but they also enhance the appearance of your smile. A warm, genuine smile can convey confidence, happiness, and friendliness, while a tight-lipped or forced smile can come across as tense and uncomfortable. In addition to conveying your mood, your smile can also provide clues about your health.

Our compassionate team wants you to make a lasting impression with a bright, beautiful smile. If you’re interested in restorative options,
contact us to learn more. Sincere Smile Dental takes a comprehensive approach to dentistry without compromising patient care. 

Reasons to Smile


Your Dental Home Away from Home

Sincere Smiles prioritizes the patient experience and provides refreshments, TVs in each room, prizes for the little ones, and world-class amenities (such as massage chairs, weighted blankets, and much more).


Our Community is Our Family

Whether it’s following up on how you are feeling post-procedures or inviting parents, family, and friends into the operatory rooms, we want you to feel satisfied and secure at every step of your healthcare journey.


AGD Member Since 200

Along with being a fellow in the Academy of General Dentistry since 2007, Dr. Bedikian is a member of the American Dental Association, American Academy of Facial Esthetics, American Academy of Clear Aligners, and Howell Area Chamber of Commerce.

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