Cavities are like potholes. Just as potholes disrupt a road trip, cavities create unexpected bumps. Moreover, potholes don’t go away on their own. Instead, they get bigger. Tooth decay acts the same—without intervention, you can end up with a big problem.
Sincere Smiles Dental fixes up your smile so that you can get back on your journey. Our expert Howell, Michigan, dentist can provide you with just the right tooth filling to smooth out your smile.
Dental fillings are a go-to solution for addressing cavities or decay. The process is straightforward yet vital: first, our Howell dentist removes the decayed area, then cleans the tooth thoroughly, and finally places a durable filling material in the space. Cavity fillings:
Prevent Further Decay: Stop the cavity from growing.
Restore Function: Chew and speak properly again.
Enhance Aesthetics: Smile seamlessly with tooth-colored fillings.
Sincere Smiles Dental never follows a one-size-fits-all approach at our Howell dentistry practice. If you have a cavity or minor damage, we offer filling materials to suit your needs and preferences. The most popular is a white composite filling material, which blends seamlessly with natural teeth.
We’re also aware that many in our community are hesitant to undergo invasive treatments. To avoid potentially needing a dental crown or root canal down the line, we provide Biodentine. This medicated filling material is perfect for those seeking a holistic approach, as it promotes natural healing and is less invasive.
Dental fillings may be routine for us, but we understand that they’re not for you. That’s why we cultivate a comfortable and supportive environment—we believe ambiance and mentality are key parts of getting you the best treatment outcome. Another dentist near Howell, MI, could fill your cavity, but you can only find this level of transparency, advocacy, and mental health support at Sincere Smiles Dental.
Dr. Shant Bedikian and our team make sure you’re fully informed, showing you how your teeth look with our digital X-rays and explaining your options. We’re your committed dental health allies, giving every cavity filling our full attention to protect and perfect your smile.
We take you out of pain, give you your smile back, and help you keep your teeth healthy.
Since opening in April 2021, we’ve been fortunate to serve over 1,000 patients from all walks of life.
Whether it’s following up after procedures or inviting loved ones into the operatory rooms, we help you feel safe and included.
At Sincere Smiles Dental, we are committed to being along for the ride on your oral health journey. We guide you through regular checkups and cavity treatments to navigate around potential pitfalls. Together, we can maintain your dental health, keeping your smile resilient and your road to wellness clear.